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Choose your service level


$499 usd max. insured value

180 days Estimated Turnaround Time
$40 AUDper card

$9,999 usd max. insured value

30 days Estimated Turnaround Time
$300 AUDper card

$1,499 usd max. insured value

90 days Estimated Turnaround Time
$80 AUDper card

Add your card list

Get your card back

Choose how you would like to have your cards returned.

Choose Shipping Method*

Turnaround times begin when your cards arrive and are entered into BGS’s system in Plano, Texas, USA. Not when they are received by the BGS Submission Centre at Cherry.

Review your submission

Subtotal $0.00
Shipping ( Method ) $0.00
Shipping Insurance $0.00 $0.00
Tax (GST 10%) $0.00
Order Total $0.00

As part of making a submission to BGS, BGS Customers must read and affirmatively agree to the following BGS Grading Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”) in order to advance through and complete their order as part of the online submission process. BGS Customers agree to abide by this Agreement and further agree that BGS is entitled to rely upon and benefit from this Agreement, as part of the BGS submission process.